Failure in Trials
As Abraham followed God, he was tested. The first test was a famine. Rather than trusting in God for his sustenance, Abraham went down to Egypt. This symbolizes that Abraham turned to the world for his support. Not only so, he basically sold his wife to Pharaoh. If we were God, we may have judged Abraham. However, instead God judged Pharaoh, rescued Abraham's wife, and sent Abraham out of Egypt much richer than when he came. Even in his failure, God blessed Abraham because Abraham was His chosen one.
Overcoming in Trials
Abraham experienced a second test with his nephew Lot. They had so many possessions that the land could not support them, and their herdsmen were fighting. Abraham had learned that God could care for him no matter what. So, he gave Lot the first choice of the land. Once Lot chose and departed, Abraham experienced God's blessing again. God told Abraham:
Now lift up your eyes...For all the land that you see I will give to you and to your seed forever. (Genesis 13:14-15)
Abraham had learned to trust in God for his living on this earth.