In Genesis 15, Abraham’s experience of God turns from being OUTWARD to being INWARD. Previously Abraham learned to trust in God for his outward provisions—food, clothing, and shelter. But this was an elementary experience of God. Once he knew God as the one who provided for his outward needs, Abraham came to experience God in a deeper way—in the way of GRACE.
What is grace? GRACE IS God working Himself into our being as our enjoyment. GRACE IS the Triune God as the Spirit indwelling our spirit.
We can say Abraham experienced grace because, in figure, he experienced Christ being formed in him (Galatians 4:19). In Genesis 15:4 “Jehovah [said]…he who will come out from your own body shall be your heir.” In Galatians 3:16, Paul says that this promised heir, Abraham’s seed, “is Christ.”
As we grow in our experience of God, we will also follow Abraham in being turned from merely knowing God in His outward blessings to knowing Him as our inward supply of grace. Do we want to just receive things from God? No, we want to also receive GodHimself! As we receive God Himself as grace, not only are we inwardly supplied, but God’s purpose is being fulfilled.
Galatians 6:18 “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen”