Author: admin

Genesis 15: Knowing Grace

In Genesis 15, Abraham’s experience of God turns from being OUTWARD to being INWARD. Previously Abraham learned to trust in God for his outward provisions—food, clothing, and shelter.  But this was an elementary experience of God.  Once he knew God as the one who provided for his outward needs, Abraham came to experience God in Read More …

Genesis 13-14: War and Supply

Lot’s CaptureAbraham had a nephew, Lot, who had followed him from Chaldea into the good land. They both became so prosperous that all their possession did not fit in the land where they lived. Hence Abraham and Lot decided to separate. Abraham gave Lot the first choice of the land and agreed that he would take the opposite direction (Gen. Read More …

Genesis 13: Tested by God

Failure in TrialsAs Abraham followed God, he was tested. The first test was a famine. Rather than trusting in God for his sustenance, Abraham went down to Egypt. This symbolizes that Abraham turned to the world for his support. Not only so, he basically sold his wife to Pharaoh. If we were God, we may have judged Abraham. However, Read More …